Monday, November 24, 2008

야~ 바라보다!!

People, hereby I upload some nice stuff..
You all really gotta see 'em hehehe
Click to enlarge pic

This is just the starting, serves the purpose of showing off my Korean.. hahaha
yea I'm multi-lingual~

Here it comes...

SEE.. she said I look like JAE JOONG :P
A LOT like Jae Joong
고마워 앤니~ ㅋㅋㅋ
n actually I'm humble..
since I thought that she was saying my display pic at 1st (which is really Jae Joong)
This is not a first time people said that..
But since some people doubt that, here I show the proof hehe
I don't have previous proofs cuz I would delete MSN history after a period..
so, believe it.. I look like Jae Joong haha

sigh.. I've zero progress on my university application ><
I've been slacking a lot..
I sleep, I play, I watch movie, I read manga.. the only thing I don't do is working on uni app!! T.T
Give me motivation please~~~


Yuinyi said...

*rolls eyes*

Gawd, seriously! Hahah puhhh-leaassee!!! Like that also wanna prove? XD XD

sucheun said...


Suhui said...

=.= pls...
dun show off =.=

エル said...

sure have to prove la..
arbo u say i perasan..
actually im not perasan la
really is people said one..
so saying me perasan is an accusation!! hehe
people really think i look like JAE JOONG :P
dont be jealous hahaha

Liz said...

eh. but the koreans say u dun look like jae joong leh. they say u look like japanese leh..... XD